Clear Freight Inc

Technology/Web Services : Global Trade Management
Logistics Services : Global Trade Services, Inventory Management, JIT, Shared Services, Vendor Management
Transportation Services : Air Cargo, Bulk, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Expedited, Intermodal, LTL, Ocean, Rail, Small Package, Truckload
Special Services : Direct to Home, Direct to Store, Foreign Trade Zone
3PL Additional Services : Assembly, Break Bulk, Carton Clamps, Climate controlled, Cross Dock, Freight management, Fully automated fulfilment, Kitting, Lumber reload, Packaging, Pallet Exchanged, Rail Siding, Return processing, Roll Clamps, Same day shipping, Semi Automated fulfilment, Slip Sheet, Small Package, Strapping, Trucking services - local, Trucking services - Long distance, Warehouse and distribution
Product Handled : Appliances, Automotive, Containers, Electronics, Food, Furniture
Areas Served : Global

Our state-of-the-art freight management system allows our clients to access shipment information at their fingertips. Our knowledgeable yet courteous logistics experts are also available to provide guidance and answer any questions you have.

At ClearFreight, we understand the importance of technology – accurate and rapid flow of information is a critical requirement to ensure the smooth and predictable movement of freight. However, we also recognize the need to provide excellent service

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