PT Corporation

Technology/Web Services : Global Trade Management
Transportation Services : Air Cargo, Bulk, Dedicated Contract Carriage, Expedited, Intermodal, LTL, Ocean, Rail, Small Package, Truckload
Special Services : Direct to Home, Direct to Store, Foreign Trade Zone
3PL Additional Services : Assembly, Cross Dock, Freight management, Lumber reload, Rail Siding, Return processing, Trucking services - local, Trucking services - Long distance, Warehouse and distribution
Product Handled : Appliances, Automotive, Containers, Electronics
Areas Served : Global

In 1999 Jimmy Pettigrew and Bobby Tims founded PT Corporation. Jimmy brought his decades of food distribution experience and Bobby brought his financial and administrative background. They steadily grew their brokerage business until Jimmy’s retirement in 2004.

That year Bobby brought in Joey Holecek and Michael Tims to push the business in an additional direction. They noticed that the best logistics specialists are rare and require a skill set that could not be easily taught. They sought o

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